Summer of Code Participant Report
Student Information
First Name: Shteryana
Last Name: Shopova
Email Address:
Project Name: bsnmp
Expected Graduation Date: 10/2006
Mentor Relations
1.How would you describe your relationship with your mentor?
A: It was just about perfect
C: I enjoyed working with my mentor very much. He encouraged me to contnue good work and I appreciate that a lot.
2.Was your mentor able to answer your queries?
A:Yes, and in a timely fashion
C:I usually received responces almost immediately after I asked, my mentor both helped me solve the problems I had while doiing the project and provide very useful advice.
3.What communication mediums have you used to communicate with your mentor/mentoring organization?
A:Email/Mailing Lists
C:I decided to stay away from IRC to be able to devote more time to the project - I was afraid otherwise I might have been spending more time in IRC than actually writing code
4.Which of the above communication mediums did you use most-frequently to communicate with your mentor/mentoring organization?
A:Email/Mailing Lists
The Project
1.Where is your code located?
A: Source repository location:
2. What license(s) are you applying to your source? Check all that apply.
3.How much time per week have you been putting toward your project, on average?
A: 20-30 hours per week
C: 3-4 hours after work on weekdays = average 15-20 + 10-15 on weekends
4.Are you happy with the resulting code you produced?
A: It could have been better.
C: I'll be working on improving the project
5. What is the coolest thing you learned during the Summer of Code?
A: how to write and install a man page under FreeBSD
6. What was the biggest technical challenge in your Summer of Code project?
A: The whole project I guess
7. Do you plan on contributing to open source after the Summer of Code?
A: Yes, I plan to continue working with the mentor/organization I worked with for the Summer of Code.
C: I'm planning to contunie working on my SoC project - both on improving current functionality and adding new functionality + I want to continue working with my mentor and my mentoring organization on other projects as well (I guess, after I'm happy with the results from my current project )
The Summer of Code
1.How did you hear about the Summer of Code?
A: I first heard about it on a web forum -
2. What do you think could be improved about the Summer of Code? Note that taxes and paperwork are unavoidable.
A: I liked the idea of Summer-Accepted-2005-NH Google group a lot but I think important information (e.g. forms required to fill, anouncing deadlines) should be separated in a additional group; also adding forms and taxes howto-s next time would be nice (I guess you might want to ask the SoC2005 students help with that)
3. Please provide, in the space below, a one paragraph description of your project (with links to your project webpages) that we can put on the Google Code website.
A: SNMP client tools using FreeBSD's libbsnmp
bsnmpget is a simple tool for retrieving the management information from a server using SNMP (Simple Network Managment Protocol). Depending on the options it constructs either a SMNP GetRequest or a SNMP GetBulkRequest packet, fills in the OIDs (object identifiers) of the objects whose values will be retrived, waits for a responce and prints it if received successfully.
bsnmpset is a simple tool for setting management information to network entity server using SNMP (Simple Network Managment Protocol). Depending on the options it constructs a SMNP SetRequest packet, fills in the OIDs (object identifiers), syntaxes and values of the objects whose values are to be set and waits for a responce from server.
bsnmpwalk is a simple tool for retrieving the management information from a network entity using SNMP (Simple Network Managment Protocol). Depending on the options it queries an agent with SMNP GetNextRequest packets, asking for values of OID (object identifiers) instances that are a part of the object subtree rooted at the provided OID.
( I haven't set up a project's separate website - but the FreeBSD SoC wiki site contains information for my project - - will also be updated ASAP)
Other Questions
1. Why did you choose to get involved in open source?
A: I prefer using open-source software for several reasons. Having the ability to modify existing code to fit completely my current needs without you having to re-write all from scratch is one of the strongest points. I also love the fact that when I'm trying to do a something but it goes wrong no matter what I do, I can look simply look at the source and figure out what I'm doing wrong.
I wanted to give my contribution to the community :)
2. How long have you been developing software?
A: 1 to 3 years.
C: I've been doing serious programming for about year and a half, and writing code since some time after I entered university in autumn '2000 (once as a child - around 1992 - a had a 8-bit PC for a while - I have in my mind something like doing some code in basic drawing circles and stuff - but I remeber nothing of it - so that doesn't count ;-) )
3. How long have you been involved in open source?
A: This is the first open source project I've been involved with.
C: I hope it won't be the last one though.
4. If this is not your first experience with open source software development, what open source projects have you been involved with?
5. If you'd like your location to be identified on a map, please enter your coordinates. (Purely optional)
Latitude: 43 00 N
Longitude: 25 00 E
6.What is your favorite color?
A: red
7.Any other thoughts about the program you'd like to share?
A: This was a great idea - and great program
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